Meanings for words starting with B
- b—bacchantic
- baccharis—backing
- backlash—bad-tempered
- badaga—baker
- baker’s dozen—ball
- ball and chain—balthazar
- baltic—bangor
- bangtail—baptist denomination
- baptistery—bareboating
- bared—baroness emmusca orczy
- baroness jackson of lodsworth—basal metabolism
- basal placentation—basketball clinic
- basketball coach—bath water
- bathe—battle of langside
- battle of lepanto—bay of biscay
- bay of campeche—beakless
- beaklike—beatrice
- beatrice lillie—bedim
- bedimmed—beet blight
- beet green—beingness
- beira—bellflower
- bellflower family—bendopa
- bends—benzene
- benzene formula—berried
- berry—beta-naphthol
- betaine—bhutani
- bi—biegnet
- biennial—bijugous leaf
- bike—bimbo
- bimester—biological defence
- biological defense—bird of passage
- bird of prey—bison bison
- bison bonasus—black
- black africa—black panther
- black panthers—blacklead
- blackleg—blasted
- blastema—blepharospasm
- blephilia—block grant
- block letter—bloodwort
- bloodwort family—blue grama
- blue grass—bluffer
- bluffly—bobby jones
- bobby orr—bog plant
- bog rein orchid—bolt cutter
- bolt down—bone-covered
- bone-dry—book of susanna
- book of the prophet daniel—borassus flabellifer
- borate—bossy
- boston—botulinum toxin a
- botulinus—bowdlerization
- bowdlerize—bpm
- bps—brain sugar
- brain surgeon—brasilia
- brass—breadfruit
- breadfruit tree—brecht
- breech—bridgework
- bridle—bristle fern
- bristle grass—broadside
- broadsword—brooder
- brooder pneumonia—bruce lee
- brucella—bryum
- bs—budget
- budget cut—bulbous
- bulbous iris—bumblebee
- bumbler—burdenless
- burdensome—burrawong
- burred—business interruption insurance
- business leader—buttercup squash
- butterfat—by any means
- by artificial means—byzantium