Tulsa Information |
Zip Code(s): 74101 74102 74103 74104 74105 74106 74107 74108 74110 74112 74114 74115 74116 74117 74119 74120 74121 74126 74127 74128 74129 74130 74131 74132 74133 74134 74135 74136 74137 74141 74145 74146 74147 74148 74149 74150 74152 74153 74155 74156 74157 74158 74159 74169 74170 74171 74172 74182 74183 74184 74186 74187 74189 74192 74193 74194 74101 74102 74103 74104 74105 74106 74107 74108 74110 74112 74114 74115 74116 74117 74119 74120 74121 74126 74127 74128 74129 74130 74131 74132 74133 74134 74135 74136 74137 74141 74145 74146 74147 74148 74149 74150 74152 74153 74155 74156 74157 74158 74159 74169 74170 74171 74172 74182 74183 74184 74186 74187 74189 74192 74193 74194 (Click to check weather) Area Code(s): 918 State: Oklahoma State County: Tulsa County Average House Value: $83,600 Average Household Income: $35,316 People Per Household: 0 Latest Weather Information: Check current weather conditions and forecast for Tulsa Time Zone: Central (GMT -6:00)MSA: 8560 PMSA: n/a CSA: 538 CBSA: 46140 Quick Links: Geography | City Population | City Marital Status | Races | Ancestries | Schooling | Temperature Averages GeographyLand Area: 182.6 Sq. Mi. Elevation: 740 feet City Population Total Population: 393,049 Male Population: 189,937 Female Population: 203,112 Average Resident Age: 34.5% Percent Foreign Born: 6.5% City Marital Status Temperature Averages Bar Graph Line Graph |