
  1. [noun] a small indefinite number; "he's coming for a couple of days"

  2. [noun] a pair of people who live together; "a married couple from Chicago"
    Synonyms: mates, match

  3. [noun] a pair who associate with one another; "the engaged couple"; "an inseparable twosome"
    Synonyms: twosome, duo, duet

  4. [noun] two items of the same kind
    Synonyms: pair, twosome, twain, brace, span, yoke, distich, duo, duet, dyad, duad

  5. [noun] something joined by two equal and opposite forces that act along parallel lines

  6. [verb] bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project"
    Synonyms: match, mate, pair, twin

  7. [verb] link together; "can we couple these proposals?"
    Synonyms: on, up

  8. [verb] form a pair or pairs; "The two old friends paired off"
    Synonyms: pair, pair off, partner off

  9. [verb] make love; "Birds mate in the Spring"
    Synonyms: copulate, mate, pair


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