
1. Describes an application which requires a program to respond to stimuli within some small upper limit of response time (typically milli- or microseconds).

Process control at a chemical plant is the classic example.

Such applications often require special operating systems (because everything else must take a back seat to response time) and speed-tuned hardware.

2. In jargon, refers to doing something while people are watching or waiting.

"I asked her how to find the calling procedure's program counter on the stack and she came up with an algorithm in real time."

Used to describe a system that must guarantee a response to an external event within a given time.

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real number
real operating system
Real Programmer
Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal
Real Soon Now
amateur packet radio
Applicative Language for Digital Signal Processing
Real-Time Common Design Language
Realtime Disk Operating System
Real-Time Euclid
Real-Time Mentat
Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling