RFC 106 (rfc106) - Page 2 of 5

User/Server Site Protocol Network Host Questionnaire

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

                      NETWORK HOST QUESTIONNAIRE*

                        For TELNET Consideration

Installation __________________________  Prepared By _______________

System**  _____________________________  Date  _____________________

1.)    Does system operate on keyboard terminal input on one
       character at a time (e.g. searching for a special
       character other than end of line), or does it accumulate
       a line at a time and operate on the line when a
       special character is entered, e.g. Carriage Return (CR)?

         [ ]  Line at time

         [ ]  Character at time

         [ ]  Both (Explain) __________________________________




2.)    What maximum buffer size does your system provide for
       input of a physical line from a keyboard terminal, and
       for output to a terminal, printer, or screen?



       Remarks: ____________________________________________________




 * If there is insufficient space on the questionnaire, continue
   answers on back of page.

** Fill out separate questionnaire for each HOST to be directly
   interfaced to an IMP.