RFC 1216 (rfc1216) - Page 2 of 4

Gigabit network economics and paradigm shifts

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RFC 1216     Gigabit Network Economics and Paradigm Shifts    April 1991

3. The ULS Paradigm Shift

   The ULS paradigm shift breaks the downward spiral by concentrating on
   end-to-end datagrams and virtual circuit services operating in the
   .01 uGbps region, namely Ultra Low Speed networking.


   "The worlds best technological paradigm shifts are useless unless
   they (a) are economically viable, (b) have clear applicability, (c)
   are technically feasible."

           --Milton John in "Paradigms Lost"

3.1 Economic Viability

   Cost projections indicate that individual ULS circuits can be
   provided at a cost of