RFC 1252 (rfc1252) - Page 1 of 42

OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          F. Baker
Request for Comments: 1252                                          ACC
Obsoletes: RFC 1248                                           R. Coltun
                                                Computer Science Center
                                                            August 1991

               OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base

Status of this Memo

   This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
   This memo replaces RFC 1248 which contained some minor errors in
   referring to "experimental" and "standard-mib" in Section 5.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

   1. Abstract .............................................    2
   2. The Network Management Framework......................    2
   3. Objects ..............................................    2
   3.1 Format of Definitions ...............................    3
   4. Overview .............................................    3
   4.1 Textual Conventions .................................    3
   4.2 Structure of MIB ....................................    3
   4.2.1 General Variables .................................    4
   4.2.2 Area Data Structure and Area Stub Metric Table ....    4
   4.2.3 Link State Database ...............................    4
   4.2.4 Address Table and Host Tables .....................    4
   4.2.5 Interface and Interface Metric Tables .............    4
   4.2.6 Virtual Interface Table ...........................    4
   4.2.7 Neighbor and Virtual Neighbor Tables ..............    4
   4.3 Conceptual Row Creation .............................    5
   4.4 Default Configuration ...............................    5
   5. Definitions ..........................................    7
   5.1 OSPF General Variables ..............................    8
   5.2 OSPF Area Data Structure ............................   11
   5.3 OSPF Area Default Metric Table ......................   14
   5.4 OSPF Link State Database ............................   16
   5.5 OSPF Address Range Table ............................   19
   5.6 OSPF Host Table .....................................   21
   5.7 OSPF Interface Table ................................   23
   5.8 OSPF Interface Metric Table .........................   28
   5.9 OSPF Virtual Interface Table ........................   31
   5.10 OSPF Neighbor Table ................................   34

Baker & Coltun