RFC 1313 (rfc1313) - Page 2 of 3

Today's Programming for KRFC AM Internet Talk Radio

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 1313          Today's Programming for KRFC AM 13XX      1 April 1991

Marty in the Morning (6 AM)

   Join the irrepressable Marty for five hours of eye-opening talk and
   commentary.  Hear the latest on the commercial state of data
   networking in the US and who is at fault for limiting its growth.
   Special guest Kent England plans to drop by the studio today --
   listen in for the flames!

Education Report (11 AM)

   Gordon Cook solicits advice from Prof. David Farber on good ways to
   develop a research career.  (In the likely event that Prof. Farber is
   unavailable at the last minute, Prof.  Farber has arranged for Prof.
   David Sincoskie to take his place).

Lunch with Lynch (11:30 AM)

   Dan Lynch is on vacation this week and Vint Cerf is taking his place.
   Today Vint has lunch with Mitch Kapor of the EFF, MacArthur genius
   Richard Stallman, and Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf.  Don't miss Vint's
   suggestions for wines to go with today's business lunch! [Lunch with
   Lynch is sponsored by Interop. Wines are provided by the vineyards in
   return for promotional considerations].

News (1 PM)

   Join Joyce and Jon as they report on the key networking news of the
   day.  Don't miss their update on the latest address and port
   assignments and tips on upcoming RFCs!

Two by Four Time (2 PM)

   Today Marshall Rose will take out his two-by-four and apply it to
   Phill Gross for violating the Internet Standard Meeting Rules at the
   last IETF and starting a session before 9 AM.  Additional victims to
   be announced.  Today's show will be available as a book from Prentice
   Hall by next Tuesday.

Mike at the Mike (4 PM)

   Listen in to the Marina's favorite local DJ.  Hear why They never
   listen and Never will!  How come The Book's publishers don't seem to
   be able to add and why ATM is Another Technical Mistake.  Then join
   MAP at 7:45 for a wee bit of this week's preferred single malt.
