RFC 1369 (rfc1369) - Page 1 of 7

Implementation Notes and Experience for the Internet Ethernet MIB

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                      F. Kastenholz
Request for Comments: 1369                                  FTP Software
                                                            October 1992

                  Implementation Notes and Experience for
                         The Internet Ethernet MIB

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ................................................    1
   2. Observations ................................................    2
   3. Conclusions .................................................    3
   4. Final Action ................................................    4
   5. Implementation Data .........................................    5
   6. Security Considerations .....................................    7
   7. Author's Address ............................................    7

1.  Introduction

   The Ethernet MIB Working group has been tasked with the following two
   work items:

   1)  Develop a document explaining the rationale for assigning
       MANDATORY status to MIB variables which are optional in
       the relevant IEEE 802.3 specification (the technical
       basis for the Internet Ethernet MIB). This shall not be a
       standards-track document.

   (2) Develop an implementation report on the Ethernet MIB.
       This report shall cover MIB variables which are
       implemented in both Ethernet interface chips, and in
       software (i.e., drivers), and discuss the issues
       pertaining to both.  This report shall also summarize
       field experience with the MIB variables, especially
       concentrating on those variables which are in dispute.
       This document shall not be a standards-track document.
       While the Ethernet MIB is progressing through the
       standardization process, this document shall be
       periodically updated to reflect the latest implementation
       and operational experience.
