RFC 1402 (rfc1402) - Page 3 of 39

There's Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for Treasure in all the Wrong Places

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 1402                 Searching for Treasure             January 1993

   A direct connection to the Internet provides some additional
   capabilities that e-mail cannot.  One of these is the ability to
   establish a connection to a remote computer connected to the Internet
   from your own personal computer or from one connected to the
   Internet. The program that establishes this connection is called
   Telnet.  Many universities and large research companies have Internet
   connections.  They pay rather large fees to have these high speed
   (more than one million bits per second) connections.  If you are
   associated with a large university or company you already may have
   access or can gain access to the Internet using one of their

   A direct connection to the Internet also allows you to transfer a
   file from a remote computer.  This program is referred to as FTP
   (file transfer protocol).  Section 4.0 covers the many places that
   have files and programs available using FTP.

   The following information was taken from a Frequently Asked Question
   posting by Aydin Edguer to the alt.bbs newsgroup.

   If you do not have access to a service connected to Internet, you can
   get access for a fee.  The following companies provide Internet
   access to individuals or companies at various rates depending on the
   time of access, speed of access desired, and several other factors.

   The first method to gain access to the Internet is by getting an
   account on a public access bulletin board system that is connected to
   the Internet.  There are a growing number of such systems available.
   For information on some of these systems, send electronic mail to:


   Any of these systems is open to the public for a monthly access fee.

   A second method to gain access to the Internet is by getting an
   account with a network service provider who offers a dial-in service.
   See the "How do I get connected to the Internet?" section for more
