RFC 1570 (rfc1570) - Page 3 of 18

PPP LCP Extensions

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 1570                   PPP LCP extensions               January 1994

      that the message contain displayable ASCII characters 32 through
      126 decimal.  Mechanisms for extension to other character sets are
      the topic of future research.  The size is determined from the
      Length field.

      Implementation Note:

         The Message will usually contain such things as the sender's
         hardware type, PPP software revision level, and PPP product
         serial number, MIB information such as link speed and interface
         name, and any other information that the sender thinks might be
         useful in debugging connections.  The format is likely to be
         different for each implementor, so that those doing serial
         number tracking can validate their numbers.  A robust
         implementation SHOULD treat the Message as displayable text,
         and SHOULD be able to receive and display a very long Message.

1.2.  Time-Remaining


      This Code provides a mechanism for notifying the peer of the time
      remaining in this session.

      The nature of this information is advisory only.  It is intended
      that only one side of the connection will send this packet
      (generally a "network access server").  The session is actually
      concluded by the Terminate-Request packet.

      Time-Remaining is a Link Maintenance packet.  Time-Remaining
      packets may only be sent in the LCP Opened state.

      The sender transmits a LCP packet with the Code field set to 13
      (Time-Remaining), the Identifier field set, the local Magic-Number
      (if any) inserted, and the Message field filled with any desired
      data, but not exceeding the peer's established MRU minus twelve.

      Receipt of an Time-Remaining packet causes the RXR or RUC event.
      There is no response to the Time-Remaining packet.

      Receipt of a Code-Reject for the Time-Remaining packet SHOULD
      generate the RXJ+ (permitted) event.


         This notification is defined as a separate LCP Code, rather
