RFC 162 (rfc162) - Page 2 of 2


Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 162                        NETBUGGER3                       May 1971

   Then, later on when the other server Host is up, NETBUGGER3 can be
   used an intermediate between Host X and his serving host.  Every
   message from Host X to server and vice versa can be displayed,
   examined and, if necessary, edited as it passes through the
   NETBUGGER3 console, thus making possible the debugging and

   This is only one example.  If you are interested in using, receiving,
   documentation, making suggestions or anything else regarding
   NETBUGGER3, please contact the Network liaison at UCLA - NMC.

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
       [ into the online RFC archives by Alison De La Cruz 12/00]
