RFC 164 (rfc164) - Page 2 of 32

Minutes of Network Working Group meeting, 5/16 through 5/19/71

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 164         Minutes of Network Working Group Meeting        May 1971

            NBS ............................................ 14
            ETAC ........................................... 14
            Air Force Sites ................................ 14

         Other Reports ..................................... 15

           Dept. Comm., Canada ............................. 15
           U. of Chicago ................................... 15
           United Kingdom .................................. 15
           Merit-Univ. Michigan ............................ 15
           EDUCOM .......................................... 16
           Raytheon ........................................ 16

         Miscellaneous Topics .............................. 16

           Graphics ........................................ 16
           NCP Protocols ................................... 16
           IMLAC Users Group ............................... 17
           Official Document Formats ....................... 17

     II.  MONDAY MORNING SESSION (5/17/71) ................. 18

          Network Information Center ....................... 18

            Plans for NIC .................................. 18
            Concepts & Recommendations for Documentation ... 18

          TELNET ........................................... 19

    III.  MONDAY AFTERNOON SESSION (5/17/71) ............... 20

          File Transfer Protocol (RFC #114) ................ 20
          File Protocol Status Report ...................... 20
          Miscellaneous Topics ............................. 20

            Sockets ........................................ 20
            Initial Connection Protocol .................... 21
            Testing and Validation ......................... 21

     IV.  MONDAY EVENING SESSION (5/17/71) ................. 22

          Operating Systems and Networks ................... 22

      V.  TUESDAY MORNING SESSION (5/18/71) ................ 24

          DRS Working Group Meeting with Open Attendance ... 24
          Data Management on Computer Networks ............. 24
          Open Discussion on Data Management ............... 25
