RFC 1701 (rfc1701) - Page 1 of 8

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                           S. Hanks
Request for Comments: 1701                               NetSmiths, Ltd.
Category: Informational                                            T. Li
                                                            D. Farinacci
                                                               P. Traina
                                                           cisco Systems
                                                            October 1994

                  Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This document specifies a protocol for performing encapsulation of an
   arbitrary network layer protocol over another arbitrary network layer


   A number of different proposals [RFC 1234, RFC 1226] currently exist
   for the encapsulation of one protocol over another protocol. Other
   types of encapsulations [RFC 1241, SDRP, RFC 1479] have been proposed
   for transporting IP over IP for policy purposes. This memo describes
   a protocol which is very similar to, but is more general than, the
   above proposals.  In attempting to be more general, many protocol
   specific nuances have been ignored.  The result is that this proposal
   is may be less suitable for a situation where a specific "X over Y"
   encapsulation has been described.  It is the attempt of this protocol
   to provide a simple, general purpose mechanism which is reduces the
   problem of encapsulation from its current O(n^2) problem to a more
   manageable state.  This proposal also attempts to provide a
   lightweight encapsulation for use in policy based routing.  This memo
   explicitly does not address the issue of when a packet should be
   encapsulated.  This memo acknowledges, but does not address problems
   with mutual encapsulation [RFC 1326].

   In the most general case, a system has a packet that needs to be
   encapsulated and routed.  We will call this the payload packet.  The
   payload is first encapsulated in a GRE packet, which possibly also
   includes a route.  The resulting GRE packet can then be encapsulated
   in some other protocol and then forwarded.  We will call this outer

Hanks, Li, Farinacci & Traina