RFC 176 (rfc176) - Page 2 of 5

Comments on "Byte size for connections"

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RFC #176                        -2-                   NIC #7100

     According to the third view user processes are always
allowed to choose byte size for connection, either explicitly
(specify a specific byte size parameter) or implicitly (byte
size depends on I/O mode).  An NCP is allowed to use a default
byte size, if the user does not specify it.

                            The Correct View

     The third view should be considered the correct interpre-
tation of RFC 107.  In fact, RFC 107 states on page 2, "the
choice of the byte size for a connection is a 3rd level protocol
issue."   To be consistent with TELNET, ICP, and other 3rd
level protocols which require that a specific byte size be
used for connection, it is imperative that corresponding 3rd
level processes be able to specify (and_impose) a particular
byte size to the NCP.  NCP implementors should take note of it.

         On Specifying Fixed Byte Sizes in 3rd Level Protocols

     Holding the view that byte size choice is a 3rd level
issue, we are still faced with the following two questions.
First, is it appropriate for 3rd level protocols to legislate
a specific byte size for all connections using that protocol?
Second, if it is appropriate to specify byte size, then what
should this choice be?