RFC 1792 (rfc1792) - Page 2 of 9

TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

        -- as hex digits, as in:  nnnnnnnn:mmmmmmmmmmmm

        IpxAddress ::= OCTET STRING (size (10))

           -- TCP/IPX MIB object idenfifiers

        novell        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 23 }
        mibDoc        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { novell 2 }
        tcpx          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibDoc 29 }
        tcpxTcp       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpx 1 }
        tcpxUdp       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpx 2 }

          -- the TCP/IPX Connection table

           -- The TCP/IPX connection table contains information
           -- about this entity's existing TCP connections over
           -- IPX.

           tcpIpxConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF TcpIpxConnEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "A table containing information specific on
                       TCP connection over IPX network layer."

               ::= { tcpxTcp 1 }

           tcpIpxConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  TcpIpxConnEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "Information about a particular current TCP
                       connection over IPX  An object of this type is
                       transient, in that it ceases to exist when (or
                       soon after) the connection makes the transition
                       to the CLOSED state."
               INDEX   { tcpIpxConnLocalAddress,
                         tcpIpxConnRemPort }
              ::= { tcpIpxConnTable 1 }

           TcpIpxConnEntry ::=
               SEQUENCE {
