RFC 2161 (rfc2161) - Page 3 of 5

A MIME Body Part for ODA

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 2161                A MIME Body Part for ODA            January 1998

   The Parameters.document-architecture-class is mapped onto the MIME
   parameter "class" according to the table below.

   String                  Integer

   formatted               formatted(0)
   processable             processable(1)
   formatted-processable   formatted-processable(2)

   NOTE: This parameter is not defined in RFC 1341.

   The body of the MIME content-type is the Data part of the ODA body

   When mapping from MIME to X.400, the following steps are done:

   The Parameters.document-application-profile and Parameters.document-
   architecture-class are set from the tables above.  If any of the
   parameters are missing, the values for Q112 and formatted-processable
   are used.

   It is an option for the gateway implementor to try to access them
   from inside the document, where they are defined as



   Gateways are NOT required to do this, since the document-
   characteristics are optional parameters.  If a gateway does not, it
   simply uses the defaulting rules defined above.

   The OBJECT IDENTIFIERs for the document application profile and for
   ODA {2 8 0 0} must be added to the Encoded Information Types
   parameter of the message envelope.

2.  Security Considerations

   ODA body parts have the natural propensity of complex structures that
   it is hard to find out what the parts are capable of.

   Moreover, ODA is an extensible architecture, where new content
   portions may be added at any time, so that the threats posed by this
   body part may change over time.

   However, no security risks related to ODA are known at this time.

Alvestrand                 Experimental