RFC 22 (rfc22) - Page 2 of 2

Host-host control message formats

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 22             Host-Host Control Message Formats        October 1969

                            Please stop transmitting over link
                                  number L.  This is called the CEASE

                            We are CLOSING our output link number
                                  L.  You may get this message before
                                  the last message arrives over this
                                  link since control messages are higher
                                  priority than regular data messages.

                            UNCEASE: that is, you may resume
                                  transmitting over output link number

   Each control message is embedded in the appropriate message structure

               |           HEADER                   |
               |      |       |           |         |
               | mark |  l    |       |     |
               |                 |                  |
               |     checksum    |     Padding      |
                 typical control message (please
                 establish auxiliary link #L2
                 parallel to our primary link #l)

   The header for all HOST-HOST control messages is given below:

   0     3  4   7  8  9   10   14   LINK#      24              31
   |       |      |     |       |               |////////////////|
   | FLAGS | TYPE |  H  |  SITE | 00000001      |////////////////|

   where  FLAGS - 0000
          TYPE  - 0000 (regular message)
          H     - host #(0-3) at SITE (usually 0 for single HOST sites)
          SITE  - Site #
          LINK# - 00000001 (HOST-HOST control link)

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
      [ into the online RFC archives by Alison De La Cruz 12/00 ]
