RFC 2657 (rfc2657) - Page 2 of 12

LDAPv2 Client vs

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RFC 2657                 LDAPv2 vs. Index Mesh               August 1999

2.1 The CIP Object Classes

   Object class descriptions are written according to the BNF defined in

2.1.1 cIPIndex

   The cIPIndex objectClass, if present in a entry, allows it to hold
   one indexvalue and information connected to this value.

   ( 1.2.752.17.3.9
     NAME 'cIPIndex'
     SUP 'top'
     MUST ( extendedDSI $ idx )
     MAY ( indexOCAT )

2.1.2 cIPDataSet

   The cIPDataSet objectClass, if present in a entry, allows it to hold
   information concerning one DataSet.

   ( 1.2.752.17.3.10
     NAME 'cIPDataSet'
     SUP 'top'
     MUST ( dSI $ searchBase )
     MAY ( indexOCAT $ description $ indexType $
           accessPoint $ protocolVersion $ polledBy $
           updateIntervall $ securityOption $
           supplierURI $ consumerURI $ baseURI $
           attributeNamespace $ consistencyBase

2.2 The CIP attributeTypes

   The attributes idx, indexOCAT, extendedDSI, description,
   cIPIndexType, baseURI, dSI are used by a client accessing the index
   server.  The other attributes (accesspoint, protocolVersion,
   polledBy, updateIntervall, consumerURI, supplierURI and
   securityOption, attributeNamespace, consistencyBase) are all for
   usage in server to server interactions.

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