RFC 2739 (rfc2739) - Page 3 of 16

Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP

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RFC 2739                Locating a Calendar User            January 2000

1  Calendaring and Scheduling URIs

   This memo defines four classes of URIs. URIs are more useful if it is
   understood what the URIs point to. Here is a brief description:

1.1 Free/Busy URI (FBURL)

   The free/busy URI is defined to be a transport independent location
   where a client can obtain information about when a user is busy. At
   the present time, this URI only points to busy time data. Future
   revisions of this specification may provide for the extended
   capability of publishing free time data.

   If a calendaring and scheduling client (i.e., CUA) were to retrieve
   data from this location using FTP or HTTP, it would get back an
   iCalendar object [4] containing one or more "VFREEBUSY" calendar
   components. If a MIME transport is being used, the response will be
   contained within a "text/calendar" MIME body part as specified in the
   iCalendar specification [4]. For example:

      PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN

   The amount of busy time data pointed to by the FBURL will generally
   be pre-determined; for example one month of busy time data. As a
   guideline, it is recommended that the previous six weeks of busy time
   data be published at the location associated with the FBURL. If this
   URI points to a file resource, it is recommended that the file
   extension be "ifb" to distinguish it from an arbitrary iCalendar
   object (e.g., with the "ics" file extension).

Small, et al.               Standards Track