RFC 2750 (rfc2750) - Page 3 of 13

RSVP Extensions for Policy Control

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RFC 2750           RSVP Extensions for Policy Control       January 2000

2  A Simple Scenario

   It is generally assumed that policy enforcement (at least in its
   initial stages) is likely to concentrate on border nodes between
   autonomous systems.

   Figure 1 illustrates a simple autonomous domain with two boundary
   nodes (A, C) which represent PEPs controlled by PDPs. A core node (B)
   represents an RSVP capable policy ignorant node (PIN) with
   capabilities limited to default policy handling (Section 4.2).

                     PDP1                        PDP2
                      |                           |
                      |                           |
                    +---+         +---+         +---+
                    | A +---------+ B +---------+ C |
                    +---+         +---+         +---+
                     PEP2          PIN           PEP2

                   Figure 1: Autonomous Domain scenario

   Here, policy objects transmitted across the domain traverse an
   intermediate PIN node (B) that is allowed to process RSVP message but
   considered non-trusted for handling policy information.

   This document describes processing rules for both PEP as well as PIN

3  Policy Data Objects

   POLICY_DATA objects are carried by RSVP messages and contain policy
   information. All policy-capable nodes (at any location in the
   network) can generate, modify, or remove policy objects, even when
   senders or receivers do not provide, and may not even be aware of
   policy data objects.

   The exchange of POLICY_DATA objects between policy-capable nodes
   along the data path, supports the generation of consistent end-to-end
   policies. Furthermore, such policies can be successfully deployed
   across multiple administrative domains when border nodes manipulate
   and translate POLICY_DATA objects according to established sets of
   bilateral agreements.

   The following extends section A.13 in [RSVP].

Herzog                      Standards Track