RFC 2804 (rfc2804) - Page 1 of 10

IETF Policy on Wiretapping

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                               IAB
Request for Comments: 2804                                         IESG
Category: Informational                                        May 2000

                       IETF Policy on Wiretapping

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000).  All Rights Reserved.


   The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has been asked to take a
   position on the inclusion into IETF standards-track documents of
   functionality designed to facilitate wiretapping.

   This memo explains what the IETF thinks the question means, why its
   answer is "no", and what that answer means.

1. Summary position

   The IETF has decided not to consider requirements for wiretapping as
   part of the process for creating and maintaining IETF standards.

   It takes this position for the following basic reasons:

   - The IETF, an international standards body, believes itself to be
     the wrong forum for designing protocol or equipment features that
     address needs arising from the laws of individual countries,
     because these laws vary widely across the areas that IETF standards
     are deployed in.  Bodies whose scope of authority correspond to a
     single regime of jurisdiction are more appropriate for this task.

   - The IETF sets standards for communications that pass across
     networks that may be owned, operated and maintained by people from
     numerous jurisdictions with numerous requirements for privacy.  In
     light of these potentially divergent requirements, the IETF
     believes that the operation of the Internet and the needs of its
     users are best served by making sure the security properties of

IAB & IESG                   Informational