RFC 283 (rfc283) - Page 2 of 9

NETRJT: Remote Job Service Protocol for TIPS

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
       [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
       [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]

 This document describes NETRJT, a modification of CCN's NETRJS
protocol specifically to provide remote job entry service to TIP's
using one of the methods (a), (b), or (c). NETRJT follows the general
model of NETRJS: use TELNET protocol over a primary or "operator"
connection pair, and open simplex secondary connections for data
transfer of job stream input and output. (We also considered the
possibility of using the Divert Output mechanism of the TIP for
sending remote job output over the operator connection, and an
analogous mechanism for input.  However, in discussion with Alex
McKenzie, it was agreed that sharing the operator connections has
little merit and causes lots of problems).

  NETRJT differs in two principal ways from NETRJS:

   1.  The NETRJT server process initiates the data transfer
       connections, under control of commands from the remote
       operator console. On the other hand, under NETRJS the
       remote user process has responsibility for initiating
       the opening of secondary data transfer connections; the
       NETRJS server simply listens on these sockets.

   2.  NETRJT provides the TELNET-like format defined above for
       data transfer, as well as the TIP-tape DTP format. NETRJS,
       on the other hand, is restricted to counts to delimit logical
       records within DTP-like transactions, and ASA carriage control.

 There are some other minor differences. For example, (1) the NETRJT
server takes responsibility for folding output records when they
exceed a size specified by a user command; under NETRJS, this was the
user process' responsibility. (2) There are NETRJT operator commands
to set the record format, record size, and code for each data transfer
connection. NETRJS made the first two fixed properties of a particular
terminal id, and deter- mined the last by the choice of ICP socket.
These differences imply remote operator commands in NETRJT in addition
to those of NETRJS. The operator must be able to (1) cause NETRJT to
open a secondary connection to a TIP socket, and (2) specify the data
transfer protocol, maximum logical record length, and/or transmission
code. These NETRJT commands are discussed in the following section.

 CCN plans to proceed with implementation of a NETRJT server with the
goal of completing an initial version by March 15, 1972. This initial
version may support only DTP=BS or TT, and RECFM=TELNET or RECORDS;
other options will be added as the need arises. We welcome comments
and suggestions.