RFC 300 (rfc300) - Page 1 of 9

ARPA Network mailing lists

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group
Request for Comments: 300                                25 January 1972
Obsoletes: RFC 211  NIC 7191
NIC 8468

                       ARPA NETWORK MAILING LISTS

   The following are three lists to be used for distribution of Network
   documents.  List A should be used by sites when they distribute their
   own documents, to get RFC's to Liaisons as quickly as possible.  All
   but local mail should be sent Air Mail.  Lists B and C will be used
   by NIC in making distribution of copies to non-site Network
   participants and to Station Agents.

   For phone numbers and lists of names by sites see the Current
   Directory of Network Participants.

   (A)                    A.  INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST

   Note: This list includes all Network Liaisons and others who should
   receive initial distribution of RFC's, whether sent from NIC or from
   sites. They will also receive selected catalogs and other formal
   documents from NIC.

   AMES-CD                             CMU

   A. Wayne Hathaway                   Harold R. Van Zoeren
   Mail Stop 233-9                     Carnegie-Mellon University
   NASA Ames Research Center           Computer Science Department
   Moffett Field, Calif. 94035         Schenley Park
                                       Pittsburgh, Pa.  15213
   John W. McConnell                   DOCB
   NASA Ames research Center
   Mail Stop 202-10                    Schuyler Stevenson R-523
   Moffett Field, Calif. 94035         Department of Commerce NOAA
                                       325 South Broadway
   ARPA                                Boulder, Colorado 80302

   Steve D. Crocker                    HARV
   Advanced Research Project Agency
   1400 Wilson Boulevard               Robert L. Sundberg
   Arlington, Virginia  22209          Harvard University
                                       Aiken Computation Laboratory
                                       33 Oxford Street
                                       Cambridge, Mass.  02138