RFC 3043 (rfc3043) - Page 2 of 5

The Network Solutions Personal Internet Name (PIN): A URN Namespace for People and Organizations

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RFC 3043                 NSI PIN URN Namespace              January 2001

   A URN namespace is uniquely suited to solve the persistent
   identification needs of these applications since they are also
   required to be unique and persistent.  The availability of a
   standardized resolution mechanism makes it possible for other
   applications to reference and resolve PIN URNs in their own systems
   in an open, non-proprietary way.

   This namespace specification is for a formal namespace.

2. Specification Template

   Namespace ID:

       "pin" requested.

   Registration Information:

       Registration Version Number: 1
       Registration Date: 2000-09-30

   Declared registrant of the namespace:

       Network Solutions
       505 Huntmar Park Drive
       Herndon, VA 22070

   Declaration of structure:

       The structure of the NSS is a flat space of alphanumeric
         characters which have no knowable structure outside of the
         context of Network Solutions internal resolver.  Future changes
         to the assignment methods may allow others to assign
         sub-spaces of the flat namespace but again, this knowledge is
         only valid internally and should never be inferred or relied
         upon externally.

   Relevant ancillary documentation:


   Identifier uniqueness considerations:

       Identifiers are assigned by Network Solutions proprietary
         registration system in a way that guarantees uniqueness.  At
         this time the algorithm is to iterate from the last assigned
         number by some positive integer.  In the future this algorithm
         may change to incorporate a full range of alphanumeric

Mealling                     Informational