RFC 3072 (rfc3072) - Page 1 of 26

Structured Data Exchange Format (SDXF)

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                       M. Wildgrube
Request for Comments: 3072                                    March 2001
Category: Informational

                 Structured Data Exchange Format (SDXF)

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document specifies a data exchange format and, partially, an API
   that can be used for creating and parsing such a format.  The IESG
   notes that the same problem space can be addressed using formats that
   the IETF normally uses including ASN.1 and XML.  The document reader
   is strongly encouraged to carefully read section 13 before choosing
   SDXF over ASN.1 or XML.  Further, when storing text in SDXF, the user
   is encourage to use the datatype for UTF-8, specified in section 2.5.


   This specification describes an all-purpose interchange format for
   use as a file format or for net-working.  Data is organized in chunks
   which can be ordered in hierarchical structures.  This format is
   self-describing and CPU-independent.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction ................................................. 2
   2.  Description of the SDXF data format .......................... 3
   3.  Introduction to the SDXF functions ........................... 5
   3.1 General remarks .............................................. 5
   3.2 Writing a SDXF buffer ........................................ 5
   3.3 Reading a SDXF buffer ........................................ 6
   3.4 Example ...................................................... 6
   4.  Platform independence ........................................ 8
   5.  Compression .................................................. 9
   6.  Encryption ...................................................11
   7.  Arrays........................................................11
   8.  Description of the SDXF functions ............................12

Wildgrube                    Informational