RFC 309 (rfc309) - Page 2 of 6

Data and File Transfer Workshop Announcement

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NWG/RFC # 309                                              Abhay Bhushan


   FRIDAY April 14th, 1972

        8th Floor Conference Room, MIT Project MAC,
        545 Technology Square, Cambridge, Mass.

                      Morning Session -- 9:00 a.m.


        Steve Crocker -- ARPA
             Keynote Address and General Discussion

        Richard Winter -- CCA
             The DATACOMPUTER and ARPANET Protocols

        William Crowther -- BBN-NET
             Data and File Transfer to Terminal IMPs

        Robert T. Braden -- UCLA-CCN
             Remote Job Service on ARPANET -- A Server Viewpoint

        John Heafner -- RAND
             Remote Job Service on ARPANET -- A User Viewpoint


                     Afternoon Session -- 1:30 p.m.

        Ray Tomlinson -- BBN-TENEX
             The TENEX View and Experience With "CPYNET"

        Abhay Bhushan -- MIT-MAC
             Current Data and File Transfer Strategies and
             Some Measurement Results.