RFC 3104 (rfc3104) - Page 2 of 19

RSIP Support for End-to-end IPsec

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 3104           RSIP Support for End-to-end IPsec        October 2001

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ..................................................  2
   2. Model .........................................................  2
   3. Implementation Notes ..........................................  3
   4. IKE Handling and Demultiplexing ...............................  4
   5. IPsec Handling and Demultiplexing .............................  5
   6. RSIP Protocol Extensions ......................................  6
      6.1 IKE Support in RSIP .......................................  6
      6.2 IPsec Support in RSIP .....................................  7
   7. IANA Considerations ........................................... 10
   8. Security Considerations ....................................... 10
   9. Acknowledgements .............................................. 10
   References ....................................................... 11
   Authors' Addresses ............................................... 12
   Appendix A: On Optional Port Allocation to RSIP Clients .......... 13
   Appendix B: RSIP Error Numbers for IKE and IPsec Support ......... 14
   Appendix C: Message Type Values for IPsec Support ................ 14
   Appendix D: A Note on Flow Policy Enforcement .................... 14
   Appendix E: Remote Host Rekeying ................................. 14
   Appendix F: Example Application Scenarios ........................ 15
   Appendix G: Thoughts on Supporting Incoming Connections .......... 17
   Full Copyright Statement ......................................... 19

1. Introduction

   This document specifies RSIP extensions to enable end-to-end IPsec.
   It assumes the RSIP framework as presented in [RSIP-FW], and
   specifies extensions to the RSIP protocol defined in [RSIP-P].  Other
   terminology follows [NAT-TERMS].

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

2. Model

   For clarity, the discussion below assumes this model:

   RSIP client              RSIP server                   Host

      Xa                    Na   Nb                       Yb
            +------------+       Nb1  +------------+
   [X]------| Addr space |----[N]-----| Addr space |-------[Y]
            |  A         |       Nb2  |  B         |
            +------------+       ...  +------------+

Montenegro & Borella          Experimental