RFC 311 (rfc311) - Page 2 of 2

New Console Attachments to the USCB Host

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

   using such consoles, we have a Tektronix 4002A and an NIH General
   Purpose Graphics Terminal (GPGT).

   The Tektronix terminal can now be operated on the ARPANET and will
   provide our users with upper and lower case ASCII for easier operation
   with other sites.  A report on this console's capability will be

   The GPGT was developed by the University of IOWA for use in
   Bio-Medical applications.  The unit is a delay-line refreshed video
   display with graphic capability and is the only dynamic type display
   in use on our host computer at present.  We are evaluating its
   performance in our On-Line System environment.  Since a user at this
   terminal is also able to reach into the network, we will have some
   future comments on its operation for interested persons.

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
       [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
       [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]