RFC 3266 (rfc3266) - Page 2 of 5

Support for IPv6 in Session Description Protocol (SDP)

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 3266    Support for IPv6 in Session Description Protocol   June 2002

2. Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [5].

3. Syntax

   RFC 2373 [1] gives an ABNF for the text representation of IPv6
   addresses in Appendix B.  RFC 2732 [3] covers the text representation
   of IPv6 addresses when used within a URL.  Using the ABNF described
   in these documents, the following updated ABNF for SDP is proposed.

      uri =                 ; defined in RFC 1630 and RFC 2732

      multicast-address =   IP4-multicast / IP6-multicast

      IP4-multicast =       m1 3*( "." decimal-uchar )
                            "/" ttl [ "/" integer ]
                            ; IPv4 multicast addresses may be in the
                            ; range to

      m1 =                  ("22" ("4"/"5"/"6"/"7"/"8"/"9")) /
                            ("23" DIGIT ))

      IP6-multicast =       hexpart
                            ; IPv6 address starting with FF

      addr =                FQDN / unicast-address

      FQDN =                4*(alpha-numeric/"-"/".")
                            ; fully qualified domain name as specified
                            ; in RFC 1035
      unicast-address =     IP4-address / IP6-address

      IP4-address =         b1 3*("." decimal-uchar) / ""

      b1 =                  decimal-uchar
                            ; less than "224"; not "0" or "127"

      ; The following is from RFC 2373 Appendix B. It is a direct copy.
      IP6-address =         hexpart [ ":" IP4-address ]

      hexpart =             hexseq / hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] /
                            "::" [ hexseq ]

Olson, et. al.              Standards Track