RFC 3341 (rfc3341) - Page 3 of 26

The Application Exchange (APEX) Access Service

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RFC 3341     The Application Exchange (APEX) Access Service    July 2002

2. Use and Management of Access Information

   Access information is organized around access entries, each of which

   o  an owner: an APEX address with which the entry is associated;

   o  an actor: an APEX address that is granted permission to perform
         some action in the context of the owner;

   o  a list of actions; and,

   o  a timestamp indicating when the service last created or modified
         the access entry.

   The access entry for a given owner controls access to a potentially
   large range of different APEX services, such as data delivery, access
   control, and presence information.  In addition, Section 4.5 of [1]
   discusses APEX access policies that govern such activities as peer
   authentication, message relaying, and so on.

   Management of access information falls into three categories:

   o  applications may query the access service to see if one or more
      actions are allowed;

   o  applications may retrieve access information associated with an
      owner/actor combination; and,

   o  applications may modify (i.e., create, replace, or delete) access
      information associated with an owner/actor combination.

   Each is now described in turn.

2.1 Querying Access Information

   When an application wants to determine whether one or more actions
   are allowed for an owner/actor combination, it sends a "query"
   element to the service, e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

Rose, et. al.               Standards Track