RFC 3351 (rfc3351) - Page 2 of 17

User Requirements for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in Support of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Speech-impaired Individuals

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 3351   SIP for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Speech Impaired August 2002

Table of Contents

   1. Terminology and Conventions Used in this Document................2
   2. Introduction.....................................................3
   3. Purpose and Scope................................................4
   4. Background.......................................................4
   5. Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Speech-impaired Requirements for SIP...5
      5.1 Connection without Difficulty................................5
      5.2 User Profile.................................................6
      5.3 Intelligent Gateways.........................................6
      5.4 Inclusive Design.............................................7
      5.5 Resource Management..........................................7
      5.6 Confidentiality and Security.................................7
   6. Some Real World Scenarios........................................8
      6.1 Transcoding Service..........................................8
      6.2 Media Service Provider.......................................9
      6.3 Sign Language Interface......................................9
      6.4 Synthetic Lip-reading Support for Voice Calls...............10
      6.5 Voice-Activated Menu Systems................................10
      6.6 Conference Call.............................................11
   7. Some Suggestions for Service Providers and User Agent
   8. Acknowledgements................................................14
      Security Considerations.........................................14
      Normative References............................................15
      Informational References........................................15
      Author's Addresses..............................................15
      Full Copyright Statement........................................17

1. Terminology and Conventions Used in this Document

   In this document, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT","REQUIRED",
   and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14,
   RFC 2119[1] and indicate requirement levels for compliant SIP

   For the purposes of this document, the following terms are considered
   to have these meanings:

   Abilities:  A person's capacity for communicating which could include
   a hearing or speech impairment or not.  The terms Abilities and
   Preferences apply to both caller and call-recipient.

   Preferences:  A person's choice of communication mode.  This could
   include any combination of media streams, e.g., text, audio, video.

Charlton, et al.             Informational