RFC 336 (rfc336) - Page 1 of 2

Level 0 Graphic Input Protocol

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NIC 9929                                                Ira Cotton
NWG/RFC #336                                            Mitre
Level 0 Graphic Input Protocol                          5 May 1972

        Level 0 Graphic Input Protocol

           At its meeting on April 16-18 the network Graphics working
           group began to consider the definition of levels of protocol
           for graphic Input Protocol.  The following describes the
           Level 0 graphics input protocol.

           The philosophy guiding the establishment of this protocol is
           the same as suggested in RFC #178, "Network Graphic Attention
           Handling." Briefly, all input will be described by type,
           origin, and length, followed by the actual data.

           Only two types of input are defined at Level 0: text and
           simple position.

              Text Input

                  Text input will be conveyed in the following format:

                   TEXTIN : DEVICE : COUNT: Text String

                 TEXTIN is a protocol code indicating the nature of this
                 input string.  For the present this code is defined to
                 be 1.

                 DEVICE is a code indicating the device from which the
                 input originated.  The following codes are presently

                      0 - unspecified device
                      1 - primary keyboard
                      2 - tablet
                      3 - mouse
                      4 - joystick
                      5 - lightpen
                      6 - cursor
                      7 - keyset
                      8 - mouse & keyset