RFC 339 (rfc339) - Page 2 of 4

MLTNET: A "Multi Telnet" Subsystem for Tenex

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

        When in local mode ^C and ^T have their usual TENEX

        Occasinally a user may find it necessary to modify the
        characteristics of a connection to a particular remote
        site. For example, he may want to have MLTNET echo
        typed input as it is transmitted. Or, he may be using a
        remote host which requires both upper and lower case
        characters from a local terminal which has only upper
        case; in such a case he would want MLTNET to transmit
        upper and lower case as appropriate. In remote mode
        operation MLTNET recognizes "!" as an escape character
        and interprets the character following it as a command
        to change the characterristics of the connection currently
        in use. Commands recognized by MLTNET in remote mode
        are summerized in the next section. To have MLTNET
        transmit "!" to the remote site the user types "!!".

MLTNET Command Summary

Local Mode Commands

MLTNET uses the character " and  denote command parameters. They are
strings terminated by a space or carriage return.  is a user
chosen string of 14 characters or less; site is either the name of an
ARPANET host or the string "LOCAL".

The commands recognized by MLTNET in local mode are:

        syntax: ASSIGN 
        effect: Associates the user chosen string  with a
                connection to the ARPANET site .