RFC 3622 (rfc3622) - Page 2 of 7

A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Liberty Alliance Project

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 3622               The Liberty URN Namespace           February 2004

2.  Specification Template

   Namespace ID:

      "liberty" requested.

   Registration Information:

      Registration Version Number: 1

      Registration Date: 2003-04-01

   Declared registrant of the namespace:

      Liberty Alliance Project

      c/o IEEE-ISTO

      445 Hoes Lane

      Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA


   Declaration of structure:

      The Namespace Specific Strings (NSS) of all URNs assigned by
      Liberty will conform to the syntax defined in section 2.2 of RFC
      2141 [1].  In addition, all Liberty URN NSSs will consist of a
      left-to-right series of tokens delimited by colons.  The left-to-
      right sequence of colon-delimited tokens corresponds to descending
      nodes in a tree.  To the right of the lowest naming authority node
      there may be zero, one or more levels of hierarchical (although
      not in the RFC 2396 [2] sense of 'hierarchy') naming nodes
      terminating in a rightmost leaf node.  See the section entitled
      "Identifier assignment" below for more on the semantics of NSSs.
      This syntax convention is captured in the following normative ABNF
      [4] rules for Liberty NSSs:

      Liberty-NSS        =   1*(subStChar) 0*(":" 1*(subStChar))
      subStChar       =   trans / "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
      trans           =   ALPHA / DIGIT / other / reserved
      other           =   "(" / ")" / "+" / "," / "-" / "." /
                          "=" / "@" / ";" / "$" /
                          "_" / "!" / "*" / "'"
      reserved        =   "%" / "/" / "?" / "#"

Mealling                     Informational