RFC 363 (rfc363) - Page 3 of 13

ARPA Network mailing lists

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RFC 363                ARPA NETWORK MAILING LISTS            August 1972

HARV-10                              LBL

Robert L. Sundberg                   Robert L. Fink
Harvard University                   Lawrence Berkeley Labs
Aiken Computation Laboratory         Bldg. 50A, Room 1143
33 Oxford Street                     Berkeley, California 94720
Cambridge, Mass.  02138
                                         (415) 643-2740 x5351
    (617) 495-4147
                                     Joel M. Winett
Scott Bradner                        Massachusetts Institute of
Harvard University                   Technology
Psychology Department                Lincoln Laboratory
33 Kirkland Street                   244 Wood Street
Cambridge, Mass.  02138              Lexington, Mass.  02173

    (617) 495-3864                       (617)862-5500 x7474

IBMW                                 LL-TX2

Sol F. Seroussi                      William Kantrowitz
IBM Watson Research Center           Massachusetts Institute of
P.O. box 218                         Technology
Yorktown Heights, New York  10598    Lincoln Laboratory
                                     244 Wood Street
    (914) 945-2052                   Lexington, Mass.  02173

ILL-ANTS                                 (617) 862-5500 x7349

Karl C. Kelley                       MIT-DMCG
University of Illinois
Center for Advanced Computation      Abhay Bhushan
Urbana, Illinois  61801              Project Mac Room 208
                                     545 Technology Square
    (217)333-8469                    Cambridge, Mass.  02139

ILLIAC                                   (617) 253-1428

John W. McConnell
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop 202-10
Moffett Field, Calif.  94035


Network Information Center