RFC 412 (rfc412) - Page 4 of 10

User FTP Documentation

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

User FTP Documentation                          Detailed Command Listing

IV. Detailed Description of the Commands

         The commands and their syntax are described in greater detail
   blow. The words in parenthesis are noise words.  NOTE: upper and
   lower case are identical. Unless otherwise noted in the command
   description, all commands described are implemented.

   Performs the ICP to the indicated host with explanatory remarks if
   the ICP is not possible.

   Sets the mode of the data transfer connection according to the
   following sub-commandos:

   STREAM: bit stream, end of file is indicated by the data connection

   BLOCK: formats (or expects formatted) data into blocks.

   TEXT: Sends or retreives text. Forces TYPE ASCII and BYTE 8. This
   command sends the appropiate commands to the foreign host, then sends
   the data using the TELNET codes for EOR and EOF as per the FTP

   HASP: compress data.

   NOTE: Of the above sub-commands, only MODE STREAM and MODE TEXT are
   implemented at present.

RETREIVE (file)  (to file) 
   Sends the retr command to the remote server, sets up the data
   connection according to any previous MODE, TYPE, BYTE commands. Puts
   the data coming on the the data connection into the local file

GET (file)  (to file) 
   See description of RETREIVE.

STORE (local file)  (onto file) 
   Accepts a local file name, does the formatting according to any
   previous BYTE, TYPE, MODE commands and sends it to the foreign host.

SEND (local file)  (onto file) 
   See description of STORE.

APPEND (local file)  (to remote file) 
   Does the same as a store except that the file is appended to the