RFC 546 (rfc546) - Page 2 of 4

Tenex load averages for July 1973

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 546            TENEX Load Averages for July 1973      10 August 1973

   3. The curve for ISI is smoother than the one for BBN: the "coffee
      break" dip appears only as a decrease in slope; the dinner break
      and evening peak are completely smoothed  out.  This smoothing is
      probably due to the influence of the West Coast users of the ISI

   4.  During July the BBN system was more heavily loaded than the ISI
      system.  Since the data collected did not include the number of
      active jobs it is not possible to determine from the data whether
      BBN had more users or just more demanding users.

   The data presented on the graph is available as a side effect of the
   RSEXEC system.  The server programs for the RSEXEC system (RSSER
   programs) communicate regularly with one another exchanging status
   information.   The RSSER program at each site maintains a (dynamic)
   data base of the information it collects from the RSSER programs at
   other sites.  The NETLOAD command of the TENEX EXEC, as well as many
   RSEXEC commands, makes use of information in that database.

   The raw data for BBN and ISI [2] load curves (as well as data for the
   other TENEX sites that run RSSER) was collected by a program which
   creates daily load information files by periodically (every 3
   minutes) reading load average data from the data base maintained by
   RSSER.  The monthly summary was produced by a program that analyzes
   daily data files.

   [The following graph is also available in .PS and .PDF format.]
