RFC 76 (rfc76) - Page 2 of 15

Connection by name: User oriented protocol

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RFC 76         Connection-By-Name: User-Oriented Protocol   October 1970

   assigned.  Additionally, most permanently assigned devices and/or
   processes are known by standard mnemonic labels such as DSK (disk),
   LP (line printer), CR (card reader), TECO (PDP-10 text editor), etc.
   In most systems, all other communications are done through files or
   pseudo files, known only to the user by their names and not by their
   internal mechanism.  In other words, most intrasystem communication
   at the user level is by symbolic reference to both devices and

   We propose facilities, by extension of the current protocol, that
   will allow users to use the network on a connection-by-name basis as
   they already do in their host system.  In the remainder of this paper
   we will present the suggested extensions to the current protocol and
   give an example of its usage in a dialogue between a user at CAC,
   controlling two processes; one at UTAH, and one at PAOLI (ILLIAC IV
   construction site).

II. Proposed Extensions to Protocol

   Let us define a class of syntax elements for use in our proposed
   extensions to the protocol. (This syntax is expressed in the
   metalanguage of the ALGOL-60 report.)