RFC 864 (rfc864) - Page 2 of 3

Character Generator Protocol

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RFC 864                                                         May 1983
Character Generator Protocol                                            

Data Syntax

   The data may be anything.  It is recommended that a recognizable
   pattern be used in tha data.

      One popular pattern is 72 chraracter lines of the ASCII printing
      characters.  There are 95 printing characters in the ASCII
      character set.  Sort the characters into an ordered sequence and
      number the characters from 0 through 94.  Think of the sequence as
      a ring so that character number 0 follows character number 94.  On
      the first line (line 0) put the characters numbered 0 through 71.
      On the next line (line 1) put the characters numbered 1 through
      72.  And so on.  On line N, put characters (0+N mod 95) through
      (71+N mod 95).  End each line with carriage return and line feed.
