RFC 904 (rfc904) - Page 2 of 29

Exterior Gateway Protocol formal specification

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

D.L. Mills

finite-state automaton with defined events, state transitions and
actions.  The following diagram shows a simplified graphical
representation of this machine (see Section 3.4 for a detailed state
transition table).

          |       |---------------+---------------+
    +---->| Idle  |               A               A
    |     |       |-----------+   |               |
    |     +-------+           |   |               |
    |       |   A     Request |   | Cease         | Cease
    | Start |   | Cease       |   |               |
    |       V   | Refuse      V   |               |
    |     +-------+ Confirm +-------+    Up   +-------+
    |     |       |-------->|       |-------->|       |
    |     | Aqsn  |         | Down  |   Down  |  Up   |
    |     |       |----+    |       |
Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification