RFC 986 (rfc986) - Page 1 of 7

Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addresses in the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                  Ross Callon (BBN)
Request for Comments: 986                      Hans-Werner Braun (UMich)
                                                               June 1986

                             WORKING DRAFT

         Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addresses in the
                ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol

Status of This Memo

   This RFC suggests a method to allow the existing IP addressing,
   including the IP protocol field, to be used for the ISO
   Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP).  This is a draft solution to
   one of the problems inherent in the use of "ISO-grams" in the DOD
   Internet.  Related issues will be discussed in subsequent RFCs.  This
   RFC suggests a proposed protocol for the ARPA-Internet community, and
   requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.  Distribution
   of this memo is unlimited.

1.  Introduction

   The CLNP is documented in [1], but for matters of completeness the
   following illustration of the CLNP header is included here as
   Figure 1.

   The addressing part of the header is the subject of this RFC, i.e.,
   the source and the destination address, respectively.  These
   addresses are generally discussed in [2] and [3], with this document
   presenting a specific method for addressing in the DOD Internetwork
   environment, consistent with the international standardized NSAP

Callon & Braun