
  1. [noun] a baby bed with sides and rockers

  2. [noun] where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence; "the birthplace of civilization"
    Synonyms: birthplace, place of origin, provenance

  3. [noun] birth of a person; "he was taught from the cradle never to cry"

  4. [noun] a trough on rockers used by gold miners to shake earth in water in order to separate the gold
    Synonyms: rocker

  5. [verb] hold gently and carefully; "He cradles the child in his arms"

  6. [verb] bring up from infancy

  7. [verb] hold or place in or as if in a cradle; "He cradled the infant in his arms"

  8. [verb] cut grain with a cradle scythe

  9. [verb] wash in a cradle; "cradle gold"

  10. [verb] run with the stick
