RFC 1756 (rfc1756) - Page 1 of 11

Remote Write Protocol - Version 1

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          T. Rinne
Request for Comments: 1756                                          HUT
Category: Experimental                                     January 1995

                  REMOTE WRITE PROTOCOL - VERSION 1.0

Status of this Memo

   This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
   community.  This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any
   kind.  Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1. Background

   It is often convenient to use electronic communication somewhat
   lighter than electronic mail.  Sometimes even the use of the talk(1)
   *) program seems like overkill.  We like to offer to user something
   like UNIX **) command write(1) ***) except that it can also pass
   messages through the network instead of the single host.

   There have been few programs offering this kind of service, but they
   have either based on SUN-RPC protocol or used a strictly undocumented

   This document describes a simple Remote Write Protocol (RWP) that
   should have been documented at least 10 years ago.  But late is
   better than never.  Version number of the RWP protocol in this
   document is 1.0.

2. Overview

   RWP is a simple protocol that can be used to relay short messages
   through the network to other users.  RWP looks pretty much like
   Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ****) though it is a bit more
   complicated due to the interactive nature of the RWP session.

   The idea behind the RWP session is that client program that is
   relaying message to the host in which the target user is logged in
   opens the tcp or udp connection to the server program running in the
   target machine  Then the client gives the sender's and recipient's
   identification (usually login ids), actual message body and tells the
   server to deliver a message to the user.  On tcp-connection server
   returns a status from each action taken.  On udp-connection no
   responses are sent.  RWP sessions through udp are implemented to
   support message broadcasting.
