RFC 1857 (rfc1857) - Page 1 of 27

A Model for Common Operational Statistics

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         M. Lambert
Request For Comments: 1857              Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Obsoletes: 1404                                             October 1995
Category: Informational

               A Model for Common Operational Statistics

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This memo describes a model for operational statistics in the
   Internet.  It gives recommendations for metrics, measurements,
   polling periods and presentation formats and defines a format for the
   exchange of operational statistics.


   The author would like to thank the members of the Operational
   Statistics Working Group of the IETF whose efforts made this memo
   possible, particularly Bernhard Stockman, author of RFC 1404, and
   Nevil Brownlee, who produced the revised BNF description of the
   model.  Wherever possible, their text has been changed as little as

Table of Contents

   1.      Introduction ............................................. 2
   2.      The Model ................................................ 5
   2.1     Metrics and Polling Periods .............................. 5
   2.2     Format for Storing Collected Data ........................ 6
   2.3     Reports .................................................. 6
   2.4     Security Issues .......................................... 6
   3.      Categorization of Metrics ................................ 7
   3.1     Overview ................................................. 7
   3.2     Categorization of Metrics Based on Measurement Areas ..... 7
   3.2.1   Utilization Metrics ...................................... 7
   3.2.2   Performance Metrics ...................................... 7
   3.2.3   Availability Metrics ..................................... 8
   3.2.4   Stability Metrics ........................................ 8
   3.3     Categorization Based on Availability of Metrics .......... 8
   3.3.1   Per Interface Variables Already in Standard MIB .......... 8
   3.3.2   Per Interface Variables in Private Enterprise MIB ........ 9
   3.3.3   Per interface Variables Needing High Resolution Polling .. 9

Lambert                      Informational