RFC 189 (rfc189) - Page 1 of 19

Interim NETRJS specifications

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                       R. T. Braden
Request for Comments: 189                                       UCLA/CCN
Obsoletes: RFC 88 (NIC 5668)                                15 July 1971
NIC 7133
Category:  D


   The following document describes the operation and protocol of the
   remote job entry service to CCN's 360 Model 91.  The interim protocol
   described here will be implemented as a production service before the
   end of July.  Two host sites (Rand and UCLA/NMC) have written user
   processes for the interim NETRJS, based on the attached document.
   Questions on it should be addressed to CCN's Technical Liaison.

   It is anticipated that the interim protocol will be superseded in a
   few months by a revised NETRJS, but the changes will be minor.  The
   revision will bring the data transfer protocol of NETRJS into
   complete conformity with the proposed Data Transfer Protocol DTP (see
   RFC #171).  The present differences between the DTP and NETRJS
   protocols are:

      (a)  The format (but not the contents) of the 72 bit transaction
           header of NETRJS must be changed to conform with DTP.

      (b)  The End-of-Data marker must be changed from X'FE' to X'B40F'.

      (c)  The initial "modes available" transaction of DTP must be

      (d)  Some of the DTP error codes will be implemented.

   No other protocol changes are presently planned, although some may be
   suggested by operating experience with the interim protocol.  When
   the revised protocol has been fully specified, it will be implemented
   with different ICP sockets than the interim protocol.  This will
   allow a site which wants to start using CCN immediately to convert
   his protocol at leisure.

   Some possible future extensions to NETRJS which have been suggested

      (1)  A 7-bit ASCII option of data transfer connections, for the
           convenience of PDP-10s.
