RFC 2073 (rfc2073) - Page 1 of 7

An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         Y. Rekhter
Request for Comments: 2073                                         cisco
Category: Standards Track                                    P. Lothberg
                                                               R. Hinden
                                                        Ipsilon Networks
                                                              S. Deering
                                                              Xerox PARC
                                                               J. Postel
                                                            January 1997

             An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1.0 Introduction

   This document defines an IPv6 provider-based unicast address format
   for use in the Internet.  The address format defined in this document
   is consistent with the "IPv6 Addressing Architecture" [ARCH] and the
   "An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast Address Allocation" [ALLOC], and is
   intended to facilitate scalable Internet routing.

   The unicast address format defined in this document doesn't preclude
   the use of other unicast address formats.

2.0 Overview of the IPv6 Address

   IPv6 addresses are 128-bit identifiers for interfaces and sets of
   interfaces.  There are three types of addresses: Unicast, Anycast,
   and Multicast.  This document defines a specific type of Unicast

   In this document, fields in addresses are given specific names, for
   example "subscriber".  When this name is used with the term "ID" (for
   "identifier") after the name (e.g., "subscriber ID"), it refers to
   the contents of the named field.  When it is used with the term
   "prefix" (e.g., "subscriber prefix") it refers to all of the address
   up to and including this field.

Rekhter, et. al.            Standards Track