RFC 2079 (rfc2079) - Page 2 of 5

Definition of an X

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RFC 2079          URI Attribute Type and Object Class       January 1997

Schema Definition of the labeledURI Attribute Type

   Name:             labeledURI
   ShortName:        None
   Description:      Uniform Resource Identifier with optional label
   OID:              umichAttributeType.57 (
   Syntax:           caseExactString
   SizeRestriction:  None
   SingleValued:     False

Discussion of the labeledURI Attribute Type

   The labeledURI attribute type has the caseExactString syntax (since
   URIs are case-sensitive) and it is multivalued.  Values placed in the
   attribute should consist of a URI (at the present time, a URL)
   optionally followed by one or more space characters and a label.
   Since space characters are not allowed to appear un-encoded in URIs,
   there is no ambiguity about where the label begins.  At the present
   time, the URI portion must comply with the URL specification [1].
   Multiple labeledURI values will generally indicate different
   resources that are all related to the X.500 object, but may indicate
   different locations for the same resource.

   The label is used to describe the resource to which the URI points,
   and is intended as a friendly name fit for human consumption.  This
   document does not propose any specific syntax for the label part.  In
   some cases it may be helpful to include in the label some indication
   of the kind and/or size of the resource referenced by the URI.

   Note that the label may include any characters allowed by the
   caseExactString syntax, but that the use of non-IA5 (non-ASCII)
   characters is discouraged as not all directory clients may handle
   them in the same manner.  If non-IA5 characters are included, they
   should be represented using the X.500 conventions, not the HTML
   conventions (e.g., the character that is an "a" with a ring above it
   should be encoded using the T.61 sequence 0xCA followed by an "a"
   character; do not use the HTML escape sequence "&aring").

Examples of labeledURI Attribute Values

   An example of a labeledURI attribute value that does not include a


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