RFC 2294 (rfc2294) - Page 2 of 13

Representing the O/R Address hierarchy in the X

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RFC 2294               Directory Information Tree             March 1998

                 Object Class               Mandatory
                 ------------               ---------
                 mHSCountry                 M
                 aDMD                       M
                 pRMD                       O
                 mHSX121                    O
                 mHSNumericUserIdentifier   O
                 mHSOrganization            O
                 mHSOrganizationalUnit      O
                 mHSPerson                  O
                 mHSNamedObject             O
                 mHSTerminalID              O
                 mHSDomainDefinedAttribute  O

         Table 1:  Order of O/R Address Directory Components

1  The O/R Address Hierarchy

   An O/R Address hierarchy is represented in the X.500 directory by
   associating directory name components with O/R Address components.
   An example of this is given in Figure 1.  The object classes and
   attributes required to support this representation are defined in
   Figure 2.  The schema, which defines the hierarchy in which these
   objects are represented in the directory information tree is
   specified in Table 1.  A given object class defined in the table will
   always be higher in the DIT than an object class defined lower down
   the table.  Valid combinations of O/R Address components are defined
   in X.400.

Kille                       Standards Track