RFC 2714 (rfc2714) - Page 1 of 10

Schema for Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP Directory

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            V. Ryan
Request for Comments: 2714                                        R. Lee
Category: Informational                                      S. Seligman
                                                  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
                                                            October 1999

  Schema for Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP Directory

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   CORBA [CORBA] is the Common Object Request Broker Architecture
   defined by the Object Management Group. This document defines the
   schema for representing CORBA object references in an LDAP directory

1. Introduction

   This document assumes that the reader has a general understanding of

   Traditionally, LDAP directories have been used to store data. Users
   and programmers think of the directory as a hierarchy of directory
   entries, each containing a set of attributes.  You look up an entry
   from the directory and extract the attribute(s) of interest.  For
   example, you can look up a person's telephone number from the
   directory.  Alternatively, you can search the directory for entries
   with a particular set of attributes.  For example, you can search for
   all persons in the directory with the surname "Smith".

   CORBA applications require access to CORBA objects. Traditionally,
   CORBA applications have used the COS Naming service for storage and
   retrieval of CORBA object references. When deployed in environments
   with a directory, CORBA applications should be able to use the
   directory as a repository for CORBA object references. The directory
   provides a centrally administered, and possibly replicated, service
   for use by CORBA applications distributed across the network.

Ryan, et al.                 Informational